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Everyday Faith Devotional - JOURNEY


A 31-day devotional on the topic of Journey.

We’re all on our own journey. We may face different situations, go through varying circumstances, and sometimes, we may feel like we’re doing our journey completely alone. But one of the blessings of having a community made up of fellow believers—like our Faithbox community—is that no one has to go on the journey on their own. That’s been part of our desire and goal as a company and a team. We don’t simply view Faithbox as a product, but as a journey. And a journey that we get to do with you. 

We may not know just where your journey will take you, the ups and downs you may face, or how you might be changed because of what you encounter, but one thing we do know for sure is that on your journey with God, what you will end up discovering is that His plans are far greater than any you could even try to imagine for yourself.  

As we go on the journey together with Him, He will lead us into a great adventure. Much of what we’ll experience, we won’t be able to forecast or predict. Much of what we’ll face, will seem insurmountable at the time. Ultimately, much of who we were at the start of the journey will have changed for the better by the end of the journey. 

So let’s step forward on the journey! Let’s see what God has for us. Let’s explore what He’s laid out before us. And let’s discover who we are so we can do we’ve been called to do. 

So what are you waiting for? Let’s go!