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Everyday Faith Devotional - RESILIENCE


A 31-day devotional on the topic of resilience.

We’re excited for you to jump into this month’s Everyday Faith on the theme of Resilience!

The dictionary defines Resilience as “an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune and change.” But as we all know, this is not always an easy feat. Resilience isn’t a natural human quality—it takes grit and determination to bounce back from adversity. But as Christians, with the help of the Holy Spirit, it is a quality we’re capable of developing.

As we face trials, God teaches us how to continue pressing forward. Even when the road gets tough and we feel tempted to quit, we can reach our destination victoriously if we remain steadfast and resilient. In turn, we’re actually honoring God’s will and His call on our lives by standing firm and staying persistent. Regardless of what we go through, resilience is the key to getting through troubles and coming out stronger on the other side.

So as we journey through the theme this month, we’re going to discuss what it means to stay resilient and what steps are necessary that we take in order to build our levels of resilience. This month is all about growing together and becoming an even more resilient community.

We’re excited to see where this goes and who you become through this journey!